Monday, February 11, 2019

BONUS! Monday Mini-Post: Who the HELL are The Three Plisskens?

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, three immature people met and became friends at an archival video store, back when video stores were a nationwide thing. Everyone who worked there seemed to have a specialty genre that they knew exceptionally well. Together, their combined powers formed to create - THE THREE PLISSKENS!

Ty Comeuppance; aka Tyler Burger - specializes in the rare, low budget and straight to video / on-demand action movies. He also enjoys the career on the skids movies of actors that were once A-listers and have gradually fallen off the map, or are deeply underappreciated character actors.Ty sure loves seeing these guys “still getting work.” He has an incomparable eye for details when watching a movie for review. He also tends to catch onto technical errors faster than anyone else. He finds great moments of camp in the manliest of movies. Of the Three Plisskens, he’s probably the MOST Plissken.
You can also find Ty as part of the duo for the blog Comeuppance Reviews, written with his brother, Brett Comeuppance.

Sweet Matty; aka Dick Dangers - Matt loves movies on the edge of sci-fi, fantasy, action, and all reason. He enjoys the most traditional geekery and anything from a book by Stephen King or of the same genres listed above. Matt loves a movie so bad you can’t help but belly laughs at the buffoonery. Sweet Matty is also the quietest of the group, our personal Silent Bob Plissken, staying silent for most of our viewings, speaking only to come out with some of the best one-liners and observations ever. His natural humor and insight is essential to the Plisskens. This is Matt’s first experience as a blogger. Matthew is also happily married to our third Plissken.

Vintan Jillian; aka Jillian Lyons; aka ValleyVintageRetro - Jillian is our main writer, creator of The Three Plisskens (though the name came from Ty) and the only female Plissken of the group. Jillian specializes in the highest of camp, big-budget disasters, unintentional comedies, cult films, art house, everyday comedies, bad Lifetime movies, and trash yourself cinema. Movies like Glitter, Showgirls, and Valley of the Dolls make her heart sing. Anything from John Waters is her bread and butter. Jillian is a former professional blogger and ghostwriter and is also known for her online shops, ValleyVintage, and her online following.

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